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홍보동영상 게시판 상세 화면
제목 2018 NPAFC IYS 정보영상(영문)
작성자 이수경2 작성일 2018-10-16 조회수 2630
    (BGM) 잔잔한 기타 음악 INTERNATIONAL TEAR of the SALMON Today, salmon remain an impoertant food and economic resource to many groups of people. They play invaluable ecologocal, social, and cultural roles across rhe Northern Hemishere. To ensure resilience for salmon and people in a changing world NPAFC The North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commision(NPAFC) is an international inter-governmental organization established to promote the conservation of Pacific salmon and steelhead trout in the North Pacjfic Ocean. NPAFC Member Countries Canada, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russia, Uniteted States of America Nature has sustained salmon successfully for millions of years, but increasingly extreme and highly uncertain climate conditions, and unprecedentes human activity are putting salmon at risk. To support the resilience of both people and salmon, we need go work together wherever salmon swim. NPAFC The NPAFC has joined forces with the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organizaion to establish partnership arrangement with Indigenous Peoples, goverment Organizaions, NGOs, academia, and the private sector. The IYS seeks to conserve salmon by bringing people together to effectively share and generate knowlege, raise public awareness, and action. Right now, hunfreds of Organizaions across thr Northrn Hemisphere work to understand and meet the needs of salmon and the people who depend on them. The IYS bringd people together to pool resources, reach across borders, and build bridges among orfanizations, countiries, and culthers to help salmon together. To do this, projects amd initiatives will be split onto 6 outcomes: Status of Salmon status of salmon and their envionments is understood Salmon in a Changing Salmoshere the factors affecting salmon are understood New Frontiers new technologies are applied to salmon research Human Dimensions people collaborate to restore, amanage, and sustain salmon Infornation Systems open information system contain all data about salmon Outreach and Communication people understand the value of healthy salmon populations
    IYS(International Year of Salmon) 정보동영상(영문)
이전글 2018 한국수산자원관리공단 국문 홍보영상
다음글 2015 FIRA 바다식목일 홍보영상 [영문]
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콘텐츠 담당부서: 사회가치혁신실 | 문의전화: 051-740-2524
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